Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Who am I and why do I have a blog?

So let me start from the beginning.  My name is Emily and I am a part-time tutor and a full time student in my early thirties. After my company went under a few years ago I decided to switch careers, and go back to school to be a middle school teacher.  Everyone tells me I'm crazy - why would anyone want to teach math to 12-14 year olds? Maybe I am crazy...but I do.

So what does this have to do with the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge?  Well, a few months ago I was approached by a friend of mine who was doing the Challenge and I couldn't believe the results her and her husband were having.  My husband and I both wanted to lose weight...we were former athletes who were no longer in, shall we say, "game shape."  We had been talking about losing weight but needed that push to get going. 

I wish I could say that seeing their results was just the push that we needed, but that's not 100% true.  We still went online (probably like you're doing right now) to see what other people had to say.  We looked for Body By Vi before and after pictures and people really were getting the same results as our friends. 

I would be lying if I said we weren't skeptical at the start.  But we figured we would give it a shot....nothing ventured, nothing gained right?  When we first got the shake mix in the mail, we were a little unsure if we would be able to do this.  Was it really as easy as we were led to believe.  Then we tried our first shake and we were sold.  It took literally 1 minute to make the shake, and just like everyone else says, it tasted like cake mix.  We both said, "wow...we can make this work."  And so off we went.  We were officially starting the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge. 

We are now 45 days into our 90 Day Challenge and people are noticing the results.  I have already lost 20 pounds and my husband, Kevin, has lost 25 pounds.  Mind you, this is all a result of the changes we were able to make in our eating habits because of the Vi-Shape shakes. 

We'll get into more of the specifics of what we have done to lose the weight in future blog posts.  I hope you enjoy following along in this journey with Kevin and I. 

If you want more information on the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge I invite you to visit my Challenge website at and join my team.

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